Credits - Lauren O'Connell X AETHERN Beauty X Dr Pam Benito

Our resource library is here to support you as you navigate the world of brand collaborations. Below, you’ll find an abundance of relevant information including video user guides on how to use The Caviar Spoon platform to maximise your success.

You will also get access to top questions around collaborative marketing, written articles, recordings of past interviews with global thought leaders, guidelines, templates, scripts, and downloads.

It’s all here

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How we master artist collaborations – with Johanna Fleming, Charlotte Posner, and Anna McKeowan


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How to create exceptional Hospitality experiences through brand collaborations


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How to diversify your business as an artist through meaningful collaborations


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How to market your brand successfully with Dr Maryam Zamani


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How to excel in front of the camera with TV Producer Gareth Davies


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Transcendent Retail – Exclusive Masterclass with Simon Mitchell co-founder of Sybarite


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How hospitality can prosper through collaborations with Mike Scully, MD First and Foremost Hotels & Resort


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